MindGenius 20

One App for All Your Projects.

MindGenius 20 is your ideal desktop tool for project management, mindmapping and so much more!

Brainstorming & Creativity

Organize your work. Ignite your creativity.

MindGenius 20 ignites your creativity and empowers brainstorming. We help organize brainstorming into an engaging mindmap for greater clarity, so you can convert ideas into outcomes.

  • Encourages creativity.
  • Promotes brainstorming. 
  • Explore topics from different perspectives & opinions.
Conferences work out better
Meetings work out better
Your new business works out better
Your screenplay works out better
Your dissertation works out better

The ultimate Windows desktop mindmapping and
complete project management.

How MindGenius enables successful projects

Project management can be complicated. MindGenius makes it simpler, yet more complete.

We start with something that most project management software skips over: Laying out a foundation of information, objectives, and constraints for your project.

We make this critical up-front process simple.

Then MindGenius makes it easy to:

  • Assign resources
  • Set durations and dependencies
  • Review progress
  • Keep your plan updated.
Mindmap: Brainstorm, then organize
Timeline: Set and review timing

What Our Customers Say

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