Task Management with MindGenius.

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Six Tools in One

Plan, Schedule and Deliver your Tasks like never before with our Task Management software.

Task Management from Three Different Perspectives:

Task Planning.

Start a Mind Map to develop your understanding of the challenge ahead and plan the way forward.

Schedule tasks, dependencies, start dates, durations and assign resources to your colleagues.

Timeline View - now with Dependencies.

Manage your project’s progress & status as well as identifying bottlenecks & risks to your schedule. View what needs done, in what order, how long it will take, who is doing it and when it will be complete.

You can now set Dependencies with MindGenius Online. Start and end dates for each task in your project. Other great benefits include: 

  • Save time creating, reviewing and revising project plans.
  • Accurate view of the current project status
  • Fewer project surprises!

Learn more about this in our Task Management Guide

Task Management at its best.

Manage Work In Progress with a Task Board that reflects your work processes as column headers. 

Physically move task cards along as each step is complete. Tasks can be managed individually or as sub-tasks of a larger group of activities. 

Filter the board to hide complete tasks and only view what is in progress.

Oversight & Reporting: Keep on top of your tasks.

The MindGenius Hub includes all outstanding tasks across all of your projects in one place.

Quickly highlight priorities, what’s next to focus on and any delays. Sort by project, status, due date or title.

Outstanding Tasks.

Direct access to the outstanding actions of everyone in your team. View as a List or Timeline to allocate resources or to balance workload. You can sort by Project, Status, Start date or Due date.

Any new tasks or updates added here will automatically be reflected in related maps, timelines and taskboards.

Activity Log.

Provides a complete audit trail of all additions, edits and deletes within the application. This also shows the signed in user, the exact time and date and summarizes the action taken.

Activity logs are typically viewed at a Project level but can display all activities across all projects you are associated with.

Task Collaboration.

Each map branch and task card provides the capability to instigate conversation with others around a subject.

This allows quick clarification with colleagues and importantly the message guides them in one click to the exact area you need their opinion on. 

The @chat feature is a quick way to engage others in what you are working on.

The comments made are retained within the branch or task card, making it easier to refer back to information at a later date, so avoiding having to trawl through hundreds of emails. 

MindGenius makes project management simpler, more complete and more enjoyable... but don't just take our word for it.