
Project Status Mind Map

A Project Status Report is used to capture all of the critical activities, developments, and risks associated with a project. This is essentially a snapshot of the project.  

1. Project status overview
    1.1. Project summaries (% complete)
    1.2. Project summaries (task-based)
    1.3. Ahead of Schedule
    1.4. On Schedule
    1.5. Behind schedule
    1.6. Significantly behind schedule
2. Milestones chart
    2.1. Milestone
        2.1.1. Planned
        2.1.2. Forecasted
        2.1.3. Actual
        2.1.4. Status
    2.2. Milestone
        2.2.1. Planned
        2.2.2. Forecasted
        2.2.3. Actual
        2.2.4. Status
    2.3. Milestone
        2.3.1. Planned
        2.3.2. Forecasted
        2.3.3. Actual
        2.3.4. Status
3. Key Accomplishments
    3.1. Work performed
    3.2. Milestones
    3.3. Deliverables
4. Task Completed
5. Tasks Due
6. Task Overdue
7. Critical Path Tasks
8. Risks & Issues
    8.1. Issue
        8.1.1. Project Impact
        8.1.2. Due Date
        8.1.3. Status
        8.1.4. Resolution
    8.2. Issue
        8.2.1. Project Impact
        8.2.2. Due Date
        8.2.3. Status
        8.2.4. Resolution
    8.3. Issue
        8.3.1. Project Impact
        8.3.2. Due Date
        8.3.3. Status
        8.3.4. Resolution