MindGenius Online: Collaborate
and succeed with your remote team

MindGenius Online provides everything you need for collaborative mind mapping and project management. Your team members can view and edit the latest maps and project information through any device with a browser.

They can update and revise maps and project schedules — and stay in touch with colleagues — at any time from anywhere.  

You also can integrate MindGenius Online with Microsoft Teams. Start making your Teams virtual meetings much more productive!

Ideas, information, and projects: Five views

Mind Map: Brainstorm, then organise
Timeline: Set and review timing
TaskBoard: Manage tasks your way
Dashboard: See all tasks across all your projects
Reports: Gain insights across all your projects

What do our customers say?

"I’m excited to see MindGenius Online become a real game changer for everyone involved in managing projects."
"MindGenius Online has impressed many of my partners, and has won over new admirers used to expensive solutions with less functionality.”
"For problems where you need to start with an open mind, MindGenius Online gets the balance just right."

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