Glossary of Terms
The following is a list of terms commonly used in MindGenius:
Active Branch | Also known as the selected branch (or branches), selected branches are highlighted. |
Affinity | A type of vertically-oriented map layout whose levels appear under one another. |
Analyze Ribbon | The navigation ribbon housing category and analysis commands. |
App | Abbreviated form of application, usually referring to a mobile application, e.g. MindGenius for iPad. |
Attachment | Files from your computer, cloud storage or network linked to a branch. |
Auto Colour | Auto colour applies a different colour to each path, helping to differentiate between sections of the map. |
Auto Layout | With auto layout on the layout of branches is enforced, with it off level 1 branches can be clicked and dragged to a custom position. |
Auto Zoom | With auto zoom on the map zoom level will adjust as branches are added or removed. |
Background | Map or slide backgrounds can be colours or pictures that appear behind the map or slide content. |
Bold | Text formatting that makes words or letters appear in a heavier weight to their surrounding text. |
Boundary | An enclosed shape drawn round several branches to highlight them. |
Boundary Style | The shape of a boundary, e.g. Cloud, Square etc. |
Boundary Fill | The primary colour of a boundary. |
Brainstorm | An idea or data gathering exercise that takes place in an unstructured window where the objective is to capture information as quickly as possible. |
Branch | Branches make up maps and consist of text and/or images. Branches are the nodes used to display a network of logical or creative associations. |
Branch Association | Two branches that are linked, indicated by a connector line between them. See also Mental Connection. |
Branch Fill | The colour of a branch. The fill can be a solid colour or a gradient and can include transparency. |
Branch Numbers | Unique numerals, automatically displayed beside each branch to indicate branch level and position. A prefix may be defined. |
Branch Properties | The individual settings that make up the look of a branch such as font, colour etc. Groups of properties can be saved as named styles. |
Branch Shape | The shape used to define the outer edges of a branch, e.g. rectangle, rounded rectangle, diamond etc. |
Branch Style | The colour, fonts and shapes that make up the appearance of a branch. |
Branch Symbols (Icons) | Symbols that appear next to a branch to indicate tasks, attachments, categories, notes, page breaks, resources and synchronisation. |
Branch Title | The text inside a branch. |
Branch Tree | Includes all paths from the active branch to all children. |
Category | Logical grouping of branches, indicated by a category icon. |
Category Group | A logical grouping of similar categories, e.g. status categories, red-amber-green categories etc. |
Category Icon | An icon representing a category, e.g. red, amber and green icons representing the red-amber-green group. The category icon appears inside the branch as categories are assigned. |
Category Map | A new map created from the current map, with branches arranged by assigned category. |
Category Pane | Area of the Task Pane that allows the quick application of categories to branches. |
Child Branch | A branch connected to a branch that is one level closer to the root. See also Parent Branch. |
Comment | A brief note added to branches while the map is in review mode. Comments can be viewed by the map owner. |
% Complete | The relative percentage of a task that has been completed at this time. This field is linked to Status. Setting 0% sets Not Started. Setting 100% sets Completed. |
Compressed Package | A zip package containing the map and any attachments. Zip packages can reduce your file size and allow maps and attachments to be sent as a single file. |
Condition | A filter condition is a statement that consists of a branch property, an operator and if required a value for the operator to act on, e.g. Action Start Date equal to ’25/03/2005′. |
Connector | The visible link between branches. |
Connector Style | The line and end-point style of connectors, e.g. arrow at both ends, no arrow etc. |
Connector Type | The shape of the connector, e.g. direct, curved, angled etc. |
Core Branch | The branch at the centre of the map from which all others grow. See also Root. |
Cost | The cost of a branch or task. Cost can be rolled-up to create a summary at a higher level. |
Critical Path | The series of linked tasks that determine the end date of the project. Slippage in a critical task will impact the project end date. |
Current View | The branches currently visible on screen, excluding filtered-out and collapsed branches and any branches not visible due to the focused view. |
Custom Level Style | A style that has been created by the user that was not installed by MindGenius and has been assigned to a level. |
Custom Style | A style that has been created by the user that was not installed by MindGenius. |
Default Category | One of more categories applied automatically to new branches as they’re added to the map. |
Default Style | Default styles are those styles inherited by a map from the template on which the map was based. |
Description Table | A special type of footer. Description tables are used for version control of drawings. The table also includes a logo. |
Distribution | The ability to send or save a map and its attachments in a compressed form. |
Dropper | A tool used to ‘pick up’ a category or a resource which can then be dropped onto one or more branches. |
Due Date | Used on maps not in Gantt view. Due date is the date on which you plan to complete a task. |
Duration | The number of days or hours a task will take to complete. |
A method of sending maps to other people. A new email message will be created and the map automatically attached to it. | |
End Date | The date on which a task is planned to finish, or if status is Complete, the date on which the task did finish. |
Excel | Export to Microsoft Excel as a Gantt chart or spreadsheet. |
Export | The process of generating a different file format from your map compatible with other applications, e.g. Microsoft Word. |
Export Ribbon | The navigation ribbon housing export commands. |
File Type | The format of a file, indicated by the three-letter extension at the end of the file, e.g. ‘.txt’ for a text file. |
Filter | A set of criteria, evaluated against map contents. Non-matching branches will be ‘greyed’ or hidden. |
Filter Builder | The interface that allows complex filter criteria to be defined. |
Floating | Certain special branch types have this attribute – floating text, floating pictures and mental connections. Floating object may be freely re-positioned in the map via drag-and-drop. |
Focus | Function that displays a branch as if it were the Root Branch. A branch that has focus is termed the Core Branch. |
Font | The style of text used in branch titles and notes. |
Font Alignment | The alignment of text in branch titles and notes. |
Font Colour | The colour of text in branch titles and notes. |
Font Size | The size of text in branch titles and notes. |
Format Ribbon | The navigation ribbon housing map and branch formatting commands. |
Full Screen | A method of viewing the map without the ribbon interface, task panes or template gallery. |
Funnel | A map layout that shows child branches feeding down towards the core. |
Gallery | A panel shown in the ribbon or task pane that contains a pictorial collection of items, e.g. pictures, categories, resources etc. |
Gantt Chart | A view on the map in which branches become task bars used to schedule and manage a project. |
Gantt Ribbon | The navigation ribbon housing commands used to schedule and manage a project. |
Group (filter) | A special type of filter condition under which other conditions can be grouped. Grouped statements will be evaluated together. The operators ALL, SOME, TRUE and FALSE can be used against the results returned by the statements evaluated together in a group. |
Home Ribbon | The navigation ribbon housing general commands used for creating and editing map content. |
HTML | Hyper Text Mark-up Language, the language of the Internet. Supports text formatting and images. |
Hyperlink | A clickable link in branches or notes allowing files or web pages to be loaded. |
Icon | Small graphical images, assigned to categories. When a branch is categorised these icons are displayed alongside the branch title and act as visual codes. |
Image | A means of exporting the map in a graphical format, useful for including in other applications, e.g. Word documents. |
Input Tree | A type of diagram that shows branches in the forms of inputs to the root branch. |
Insert Ribbon | The navigation ribbon housing commands for adding additional content to the map, e.g. pictures, attachments etc. |
Italic | Text formatting that makes words or letters appear slanted compared to their surrounding text. |
Layout | The current diagram type of the map, layouts available are map, input and output trees, outline, organogram and affinity. |
Leaf Branch | A branch with no children. |
Levels (Map) | The hierarchical layers of a map determined by branch position in relation to the root branch. The root is defined as ‘Level 0’ its immediate children as ‘Level 1’, theirs as ‘Level 2’ and so on. |
Level Styles | Styles that are assigned to map levels. Branches automatically inherit these styles based on their hierarchical position. |
Line Type | The type of line used to draw the branch border, e.g. solid, dotted, dashed etc. |
Linked Map | A section of map moved to a separate file and linked to from the original. The linked map can be opened from the original. |
Linked Task | A task linked to Outlook. Updates made in Outlook or in the map are synchronised. |
Local Layout | A layout applied to a branch and its children while the rest of the map respects the main layout. |
Options | A dialog containing options that affect the whole application. Changes made here affect all maps you open or create. |
Organogram | A type of diagram useful for showing hierarchical organisations. |
Outline | Top-down diagram showing hierarchy by indentation. |
Output Tree | A type of diagram that shows branches as outputs from the root. |
Outlook | Microsoft Outlook. Tasks can be linked to Outlook, resources can be imported and emails can be sent using Outlook. |
Map | The visual representation of a thought structure or any drawing created by MindGenius. |
Map Editor | The area of MindGenius in which the map is created, edited and viewed. |
Map Explorer | The navigation tile that appears to the left of the Map Editor. Branches in the map are represented in a tree view and clicking on a branch will focus on that branch. |
Map Styles | Named styles that are assigned to levels. These styles will normally be inherited from a template. |
Map Settings | General settings that affect only the current map, e.g. notes style, auto layout, numbering etc. |
Map Template | See Templates. |
Mental Connection | A special branch that links any two branches, positioned anywhere in a map. The connection arrow will indicate direction and the title the nature of the association. See also Branch Association. |
Mind Mapping | Concept used in MindGenius. |
Mobile Apps | Mobile applications, e.g. MindGenius for iPad, Thinking Space etc. |
Mode | A temporary change affecting how the application works, for example Project mode, pan mode or presentation mode. |
Monitor | The display used to show a presentation. If your system has multiple monitors you can choose which to use. |
Node | See Branch. |
Note | Additional information regarding a branch, shown in the Notes Editor. |
Notes Editor | A Task Pane tile in which notes are entered and edited. |
Numbering | Unique numbers prepended to branch titles that identify a branch’s position within the map hierarchy. |
Page Break | A marker added to one or more branches instructing the application to print everything below the page break on a new page. |
Pan | A cursor mode used for moving the map around the workspace. |
Paste | Add the content of the clipboard as a new branch or as text in the notes editor. |
Paste Style | Apply the style of a copied branch to one or more other branches. |
Path | Logical route describing the position of a branch in the map or a file in Windows. |
Parent Branch | A branch connected to a branch that is one level further from the root is a parent. A branch may have any number of children. The root branch is the only branch that has no parent. See also Child Branch. |
Portable Document Format. An export type often chosen for creating edit-protected documents. | |
Pick | A cursor mode used for selecting map objects. |
Picture | Graphical image file attached to a branch or floating branch. |
Picture Gallery | A task pane gallery of pictures that can be added to branches to enhance their visual meaning or impact. |
Picture Position | Pictures can be positioned relative to branch text. Options are left, right, above, below or behind. |
Picture Size | Picture size can be increased or decreased. |
PowerPoint | Export the map to PowerPoint as a presentation. |
Print the map accepting current settings, or set printing options first. | |
Print Preview | Preview the effect of current settings before committing to print. |
Priority | The importance of a task relative to other tasks in the map or task list. |
Project (application) | Export to Project as a new project plan. |
Project (term) | A collection of tasks that model the project being undertaken. Tasks can be linked and constrained to better model the real-life nature of the project. |
Properties | See Branch Properties. |
Refresh Filter | Command allowing the current filter to be re-applied to include new branches. |
Replace | Command allowing text in branch titles and notes to be found and replaced. |
Report | Generate a report showing various metrics, e.g. tasks due this week, tasks completed this week, milestone status etc. |
Resource | People or equipment used in a project to complete tasks. |
Resource Allocation | The percentage of a resource’s time spent working on a task. |
Resource Gallery | The in-ribbon gallery of available resources on the Tasks ribbon. Click resources to assign them to selected tasks. |
Resource Map | A new map created from the current map, with branches arranged by assigned resource. |
Review Mode | A locked-down mode in which edits made by users are tracked. |
Root Branch | The branch from which all others grow. The first branch in the map that describes the concept or title of the map. |
Rich Text File (RTF) | A file format supporting text formatting such as font colour. |
Quantity | The quantity of material used in a task. Quantity can be rolled-up to create a summary at a higher level. |
Quick Filter | Pre-configured filters that can be quickly applied to the map. |
Quick Filter Panel | A dialog that allows several pre-configured filters to be combined, applied and saved. |
Save | Save changes to the current map, overwriting the previous version of the file. |
Save As | Save changes to the current map, but save it as a new file. |
Select | The act of highlighting one or more branches in the map, a menu item or part of a branch title. |
Slide | A page in a presentation containing map parts, text boxes and pictures. |
Slide Show Ribbon | The navigation ribbon housing commands for creating and editing presentations. |
Sort | Change the order of branches based on branch properties, e.g. title, due date etc. |
Sort Direction | Change the direction of a sort. Choose to sort Ascending or descending. |
Sort Options | A dialog allowing options to be set prior to applying a sort, e.g. sortable property, direction, depth etc. |
Start Date | The date on which a task is scheduled to start. |
Statistics | Metrics taken from the map, e.g. number of branches, number of mental connections etc. |
Status | The current state of a task, e.g. In Progress, Not Started, Complete etc. |
Styles | Groups of branch properties saved under a descriptive name that can be applied to map levels or branches. |
Style Name | A name given to a map style. |
Serial Number | The unique number which identifies your product. |
Sub-Branches | A parent has sub-branches. They are any connected branches at a level further away from the root. See also Child Branches. |
Version Number | Numerical description of when the product was created. |
Visio | An export that converts a map to a Visio process diagram. |
Task | An item of work to be completed as part of a project. |
Task Card | A visible summary of a branch’s task properties, displayed beside the branch. |
Task Link | A link between two or more tasks in the project indicating their interdependence. |
Task Pane | The area of MindGenius that hosts the Notes, Categories, Actions, Resources, Filter, Palette and Picture tiles. |
Task Properties | The set of properties that describe a task, e.g. its start date, end date, duration, status etc. |
Task Ribbon | The navigation ribbon housing commands for assigning and editing task data and resources. |
Template | Special file type used to save style and content. When a new map is created it will inherit these attributes from a selected template. |
Template Gallery | The panel to the right of the window housing templates. |
Thought Structure | A hierarchical structure of thoughts relating to a given subject. |
Timeline | The scale used to display the Gantt chart, e.g. Months, Weeks, Days etc. |
Tools Ribbon | The navigation ribbon housing commands for changing application settings. |
Transition | The style of switch between one slide and the next, e.g. fade, pixelate etc. |
Underline | Text formatting that gives words or letters an underline. |
Word | An export that converts a map to a Word document. |
Work | The number of hours a resource spends working on a task. |
XML | Extensible Markup Language. A markup language in the same family as HTML for which tags can be defined. |
Zoom | The scale applied to the map. Zooming in makes the map bigger and vice versa. |
Zoom Slider | The control used to set the zoom factor. |