
Business SWOT Questions Mind Map

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1. Strengths
    1.1. What do we do well?
    1.2. What makes us different?
    1.3. What makes us better?
    1.4. How are we perceived by others?
        1.4.1. Customers
        1.4.2. Competitors
        1.4.3. Suppliers
        1.4.4. Track Record
        1.4.5. Reputation
    1.5. What strengths do our people have?
        1.5.1. Skills
        1.5.2. Experience
        1.5.3. Training
        1.5.4. Attitude
        1.5.5. Structure
    1.6. Do relationships make us stronger?
    1.7. Do our products and services have unique strengths?
        1.7.1. Quality
        1.7.2. Cost
        1.7.3. Value
        1.7.4. Delivery
        1.7.5. Production
        1.7.6. process
        1.7.7. capacity
        1.7.8. quality 
        1.7.9. Life
    1.8. Is our knowledge an asset?
        1.8.1. Technical
        1.8.2. Market
        1.8.3. Competition
    1.9. Are we financially strong?
        1.9.1. Balance Sheet
        1.9.2. Profit And Loss
        1.9.3. Cash Flow
    1.10. Are there strengths in the way we communicate? 
2. Weaknesses
    2.1. What do we do badly?
    2.2. What do others do better?
    2.3. What would others say about us?
        2.3.1. Reputation
        2.3.2. Track record
        2.3.3. Customer perception
    2.4. Suppliers?
    2.5. Competitors?
    2.6. Could our people be better?
        2.6.1. Skills
        2.6.2. Training
        2.6.3. Attitude
    2.7. Are we correctly structured?
    2.8. Are our products and services what they should be?
    2.9. Do our partners support and enhance our business?
    2.10. Do we communicate when we need to?
    2.11. Do our processes help us deliver?
    2.12. Do our finances constrain us?
        2.12.1. Balance sheet
        2.12.2. Profit and loss
        2.12.3. Cash flow
    2.13. Are we as knowledgeable as we should be?
        2.13.1. Technical
        2.13.2. Market
        2.13.3. Competition
3. Opportunities
    3.1. Are there new markets to look at?
    3.2. Should we consider product development?
    3.3. Should we consider developing services?
    3.4. Should we consider investment?
    3.5. What improvements can be made internally?
    3.6. Are there trends we can react to?
        3.6.1. technology
        3.6.2. competitors
        3.6.3. legal
        3.6.4. economic 
    3.7. What is happening in our markets?
        3.7.1. Growing/declining
        3.7.2. Movement
        3.7.3. Fashion
    3.8. What is happening in society? 
4. Threats
    4.1. Is competition increasing / decreasing?
    4.2. Does any competitor activity pose a threat?
    4.3. Would losing any particular staff member be an issue?
    4.4. Do we have the ability to recruit the people we need?
    4.5. Is the current skills level of staff adequate?
    4.6. Does changing technology pose a threat?
    4.7. Do particular industry trends pose a threat?
    4.8. Will operational processes hold us back?
    4.9. Will our financial position constrain our activity?
    4.10. Are our markets growing / changing?
    4.11. Do particular trends cause a threat?
        4.11.1. technology
        4.11.2. legal
        4.11.3. economic