and succeed
with your
remote team.

Get started using MindGenius Online today!
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OUT NOW: Dependencies with MindGenius Online

OUT NOW: Start and end dates for each task in your project. Other great benefits include: 

  • Save time creating, reviewing and revising project plans.
  • Accurate view of the current project status
  • Fewer project surprises!

Interested? Log in or sign up to get started.

Easy Access.
Anytime, anywhere.

MindGenius Online provides everything you need for collaborative mindmapping and project management. Your team members can view and edit the latest maps and project information through any device with a browser.

Update and revise maps and project schedules — and stay in touch with colleagues — at any time from anywhere.  

You can also integrate MindGenius Online with Microsoft Teams. Start making your Teams meetings much more productive!

Reproducir video
MindMap: Brainstorm, then organise
Timeline: Set and review timing
TaskBoard: Manage tasks your way
Dashboard: See all tasks across all your projects
Reports: Gain insights across all your projects

¿Qué dicen nuestros clientes?

"Estoy emocionado de ver que MindGenius Online se convierte en un verdadero cambio de juego para todos los involucrados en la gestión de proyectos".
"MindGenius Online ha impresionado a muchos de mis socios y se ha ganado a nuevos admiradores acostumbrados a soluciones costosas con menos funcionalidad".
"Para problemas en los que necesita comenzar con una mente abierta, MindGenius Online logra el equilibrio perfecto".